Monique’s Bio and Experience

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My name is

Monique Niederer Davis.

I am a first generation American with dual citizenship in the USA and Switzerland. I am grateful for many things about my upbringing, yet being raised in a very strict, and at times harsh, authoritative household shaped a lot of my ideas about child rearing and teaching that I am still unlearning. Being an adoptee, I also have a history of perinatal trauma and attachment disruption as an infant. Therapy and attending REBOOT Recovery helped me to explore and change pre-programmed beliefs, and studying experts in the field challenged me to become more trauma-responsive in my own methodology of teaching.

Your journey will not look like mine.

This background information is available to you in case you are interested in how I got to where I am today, preaching and teaching about trauma-responsive practice in early childhood education.

This is my Little Pal at age 6 with her little brother the day I met her!

We need people living and proclaiming the message about trauma-responsive care from all backgrounds and paths.

I’m quite an introvert; however, when I believe in something, I am willing to take a stand, as I am doing here! In college, I became involved in a ministry called Pals, in which college students were paired with a child from the community. I built a relationship with my “little pal” that is still going today. (This photo is her at six years old with her little brother on the day I first met them!)

I eventually became president of that program and did not hesitate to swallow my stage fright in order to stand up in front of the entire student body to proclaim the merits and importance of being involved with Pals. Thus continued what has become my life’s work of influencing and helping children and those who work with them.

I graduated from Bryan College in Dayton, TN, with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and minors in Bible and Literature. Bryan is a small Christian liberal arts school, which gave me the opportunity to strengthen my faith as well as grow academically and develop socially. I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ; however, TRECS module’s are not faith-based and will apply to anyone working with children, putting love into action and overcoming darkness with light. If you are a religious organization, I do offer TRECS with a Biblical Worldview.

My first job out of college was in a daycare as lead teacher of the three-year-olds. I clearly remember coming home that day and saying to my husband, “I can’t do this.” I was outnumbered by the eighteen little kiddos and didn’t have anything in my toolbox that I needed. But I rolled up my sleeves and went back the next day, and ended up loving my time with those children.

I later took a job at the Department of Social Services and then at the local Health Department. During my years of employment as a Social Worker, I visited families with children ages birth to five who were at risk for developmental delays due to socio-economic or medical conditions. I learned to conduct developmental screenings, becoming very familiar with the course of child development. Perhaps more importantly, I became certified in the NCAST Parent-Child Interaction Screening Scales, which had feeding and teaching components that could be used for assessment purposes and also to provide recommendations for services to strengthen parent-child interactions. Although I always have naturally felt something powerful was at work in the dance of connection within parent or teacher and child interactions, this is the first time I was introduced formally to the impact relationship has on child development.

This is my family:  my husband, Greg, two daughters, Madeline and Lindsay, and a son-in-law, Braden.  I also have four grand-doggies!

This is my family: my husband, Greg, two daughters, Madeline and Lindsay, and a son-in-law, Braden.

Being a social worker was rewarding, but I continued to feel that lifelong tug to be in the classroom. I returned to college, graduating with a Master’s of Art degree in Birth-Kindergarten Education from Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC, in 2000. By then my first daughter had joined our family. I took some time to stay at home with her and built a Discovery Toys business and a Kindermusik franchise. These two loves of mine—play and music—are key components in my classrooms now! As my daughter grew, I always had the drive to improve myself as a parent. At some point, I obtained Dr. Becky Bailey’s cassette series, “Loving Guidance,” and it truly began to change how I viewed the adult-child dynamic. Twenty years later, I wish I could say I was the perfect parent and became the perfect teacher, but that is FAR from the truth. I continue to make mistakes and learn something every day.

I would love to have you join me as I continue to walk this path.

Since earning my teaching degree, I have worked as a Kindergarten teacher, an elementary music teacher, a Georgia PreK teacher, and exceptional student preschool teacher, and am currently a North Carolina Pre-K teacher. Earlier in my teaching career, I concentrated most of my continuing education in early literacy and play. These two aspects of early childhood education are still very important to me. However, the last few years have been spent learning as much as possible about how to reach and teach children with trauma, ACEs and anxiety. This was done through reading the books that are found on the bibiography page, following the work of informed psychologists, teachers, and authors on their websites, social media, and podcasts, and by participating in the conferences and courses listed below.

Recent Certifications, Conferences and Courses


Preventing Problem Behavior: An Emotional Regulation Relationship-Based Approach, AEP Connections, April 2023

Conscious Discipline Training Event, Cabarrus County Partnership for Young Children, March 2023

Decoding Behavior Summit, Behavior Revolution, online three-day conference, March 2023

Supercharge Home Visiting with Adult Learning Principles, Dana Childress, PhD, May 2022

HEART-STRONG Certified Educator Trainer Course, 2020-2021

Pyramid Model Overview Training, 2021

DECA Flip It! Transforming Challenging Behavior, 2021

IREE Racial Equity Training Webinar: Talking to Children About Race, 2021

Lives in the Balance Educators and Schools Guided Tour, 2021

Conscious Discipline: Understanding Trauma Webinar 2020

Starr Commonwealth: Trauma Informed and Resilience Focused Schools, 2020

Soar to Success Summit 3.0: The Power of Play, 2020

Bright and Quirky Summit, 2020

Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Schools and Homes, Ten Session e-course, 2019-2020

Transform Challenging Behavior Conference, 2018 and 2020

“Emotionally attuned inter-personal relationships with a reliable and caring teacher help children feel safe and calms their stress response systems, which supports healing from trauma, buffers their toxic stress, and promotes their healthy development, including their ability to play, build positive social relationships, and engage in the learning process.

Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators, by Julie NIcholson, Linda Perez and Julie Kurtz